[Crop Guide] SMARTGRO® Oil Palm Fertilizer Application
Here, we’re going to demonstrate the oil palm fertilizer application for the best result on your oil palm nursery. We’re using the SmartGro 19-10-13+2.5MgO+TE (9-12 months). Pre-Nursery (Polybag)Dosage: 5-7 grams/polybag Application: Apply SmartGro...
[Crop Guide] SMARTGRO® Fertilizers for Paddy Crop
SMARTGRO® Fertilizer for Paddy Crop is trialled and proven to increase paddy yield compared to conventional fertilizers. What makes SMARTGRO® Fertilizer for Paddy Crop special? Specially Formulated Fertilizer for Paddy Crop SMARTGRO® for Paddy/Rice is specially...